bienvenue sur mon blog~

So as the title said, I, the sort-of-certified-JE-fan-specialized-on-hey-say-jump-b.i-shadow-and-nyc-50%-fangirl and 50% soon-to-be teacher (with addition of 0.01% daughter and big sis) is welcoming u 2 read my rants on RL, on fangirling and random stuff.

Enjoy ur stay here...

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010: reviewing the year through my eyes~~

This blog post is officially adalah post utk tutup thn 2010. So bfre I properly closed my 2010, aku nk coret sth kat sini. Yes, skali lg aku guna bhs rojak utk blog post aku, sbb aku tahu ‘stalkers2’ blog aku ni worldwide, x semua ckp BM. So most probably I’ll mixed up some words in BM n English, but truthfully, this blog post aku dd8kan kpd semua ‘stalkers2’ aku yg aku syg sesangat (kalo ada laa…kuikuikui…)

My review utk thn 2010 nih, I started my 2010 on Jan with a warm feeling. Maksudnya no hot issue appears masa 2. Aku plak x juga ada atas hot stove, so aku x kisah sgt apa yg b’laku kat aku waktu 2. And since Jan thn ni laa aku ngan lg 82 geng2 aku 1 batch kat IPTAR n oso kwn2 lain di IPG lain tp dlm ambilan yg sama (that is Julai 2008) dh tkr status jd ‘guru pelatih program ijazah sarjana muda perguruan dgn kepujian (insert opsyen masing2)’ kira2 begitu lah. Wow! Tros msk degree yo, after 1 and a half year in foundation. N bila dh tkr status 2, makin bnyk laa masa kena spent utk study plus projek n kerja kursus dll. In short, being a degree student is hard.

You all know me rite? I’m a fangirl, so at that time, I am a Jdrama + a bit of anime n manga fan. Campur2 laa. Sampaikan wallpaper desktop aku asyik tkr2 wallpaper, kunun bnyk wallpaper anime kekadahnya. Oklah, to be truth, on early 2010, I’m still an anime n manga fan. Kekadahnya masih lg layan OHSHC + VK + CG dll. Jd hidup aku mmg biasa2 jelah pd awal thn. What a warm starter right? Tp hidup biasa2 ni laa best. X bnyk sgt komitmen, just dtg kuliah blaja, siapkan assignment, that’s all. Social life, mcm biasa. Nothing special happen, n yes, aku masih belum berpunya lagi (cheh, what a statement, LOL)

But then bila masuk tgh thn 2010, everything changed. I repeat CHANGED. And what do I mean with CHANGED? No 1: aku makin busy, n busynya mengalahkan staff HEP. No 2: aku dh ada tanggungjwb. Well, sort of, ada tanggungjwb baru besides default responsibility as a daughter, sister and student. You didn’t read me wrong, yes; I had to make sure that all my friends in my class (including me) dpt masuk exam hujung tahun dgn sempurna. In short, I’m the assistant class monitor for the new sem tgh thn 2010. Man, that was…. Aku sendiri terasa s’pjg aku pegang jwtn 2, aku mcm x ada masa utk, even nk makan brg sedap2 kat KFC pun x ada masa. Mana x nya, duit habis d’gunakan utk beli krdt utk kontek lecturer n oso bg info ngan kwn2 s’kelas. N 2nd sem of degree is the most tough season for me. Kalo 1st sem, duit mmg ada sampai p’hujung sem, tp 2nd sem, duit elaun masuk sikit2 aja buk.

Did I say that this sem is the most tough sem of the year? Dek kerana aku terlalu busy n bnyk sgt kerja sampaikan aku tension x hingat dunia, cara lepas tension 1 je. Makan, makan n makan. Tp aku x selalu makan, biasanya aku b’lapar sbb yelah, duit x ada. N aku gak mmg x ada masa utk kuar jln2 ke KCH ngan kwn2 bila dh jd penolong ketua kelas nih. 24/7 mesti ada kat mktb, silap haribulan kena kejar ngan HEP. Aku mengaku, aku suka kerja2 mcm nih, sibukkan diri so that I’ll not think about anything else yg buat aku keluar tingkah laku bermasalah negative 2. Mslhnya, kalo t’lalu sibuk sampaikan nk makan pun x ada masa, huh! Itulah yg d’panggil mendera yo. (N aku rasa berat aku pun menurun waktu 2, isy2x)

Lg 1, org2 s’keliling pulak x nk faham dgn kerja kita. Aku sgt2 t’kilan ngan situasi 2 tp aku x bleh buat apa2. Bak kata pepatah rambut sama hitam hati lain2. I dun expect everyone surrounding me to feel what I feel. To stand on the same place like me. To be on my shoes. X adalaa sampai mcm 2, tp kalo bleh aku nk dorg faham ngan kita yg ada tanggungjwb. Jd jgn bebankan ketua kita dgn kerja yg remeh lagi temeh yg kita boleh buat tanpa arahan ketua pun. I’d learned this waktu ktorg d’minta m’jayakan 1 aktiviti br2 ni. Aku ketua bahagian teknikal, n at the same time aku kena uruskan psl hal ehwal b’kaitan kelas dgn partner aku yg jd ketua kelas 2. So on that day, I had 2 focus on the class sampai aku terpaksa m’abaikan kerja2 teknikal utk aktiviti 2. Yes, that’s true yg aku ada ambik bbrp org utk tlg aku, tp hari 2 mmg aku lepas tgn. Aku x buat apa2 pun. Aku biarkan je dorg buat kerja 2. Honestly I said, it’s not that I want 2 abandon you guys. Jujurnya aku suka bila aku d’beri amanah uruskan bahagian teknikal. But then, aku pun x tahu mcm mana nk explain rasa aku. On that day urusan kelas 2 mesti settle sbb 2 laa aku ngan ketua kelas aku 2, mmg x dpt concentrate sgt dgn aktiviti 2. Hontoni gomenasai minna~

And to be honest, I once had wished that I hv a twin, to do all my works. At least tolong aku. Lps 2 plak kena bedpan mcm2 karenah kwn2 s’kelas kita. Definitely everyone’s a rebel, dun wanna follow the rules. And also, everyone has their own life. They’re so into their life that they dun want 2 participate in any activity in institute. Dek kerana aku sedar yg aku ni pemusnah lagi spoiler n rotten egg (mcm laa aku x tau) aku x berani nk buat apa2 jauh skali nk join apa2. X yakin, kata org. Sampai bila aku nk mcm ni, aku sendiri pun x tahu. Tp, aku punyalah x suka sgt, bila org buat endah x endah je every important information yg kita bgtau dorg. Buang air liur je b’cakap. Buang tenaga n kredit menaip msg. Buang elektrik, duit n tenaga battery laptop taip notes or inform kat FB je. N buang masa n tenaga jugak prg dr 1 bilik ke 1 bilik. Dh d’beritahu, x alert, pas 2 lak kacau masa privacy org tny soalan bkn2, more 2 ulang balik apa yg kita bgtau bfre diz. I dun like org yg x alert tahu!! N bila d’suruh, mcm2 komentarnya. Tp iyalah…ragam manusia. Bkn tanggungjwb kita nk puaskan hati semua org ye x?

N bila ckp psl fangirling thing, ha, waktu ni laa aku buat satu transformasi besar ke atas diri aku sbg fangirl. Kalo awal thn ni aku fangirl sama anime n Jdrama, utk another half of this year aku jd fangirl kpd Jpop pulak. Semuanya gara2 aku t’pukau bin terpesona ngan 1 Jdrama nih. Alih2 aku dh jd total fangirl. Yes, I do feel that I’d already finish my phase as a fangirl. N honestly being a JE boys fangirl mmg ada pros n cons nya. Yup the pros are I got more friends on the Net, sharing thoughts and flails together over the idols. Tp the cons are I started to be an ignorant. Bkn selama ni ku mmg ignorant person ke? Manusia yg jenis x kisah hal org s’keliling? aku bkn nk kata apa, tp keadaan sekeliling aku yg m’jadikan aku s’org manusia yg x kisah. You guys are suck up and I’m so bored with your doings, therefore let me be an ignorant laa. Buang masa aku je nk peduli hal korg. This shows that I have my own life, kan? Sekali sekala aku ‘jual ikan’ apa slhnya?? Betul, social life aku sucks! Jasad je ada di kalangan org ramai tp hati, soul, nyawa ke tpt lain. Boleh d’katakan yg aku sudah bosan hidup mcm ni. Lgpun I dun hv any RL friends who shares the same interest, lg laa boring. Oklah, boleh kiralaa ada gak bbrp org yg gila Jdrama n anime, sma mcm aku tp x ramai laa. Slalu chat, b’balas status kat FB tny everything psl Jpop, Jdrama @ anime. Still I appreciate those friends yg ada sama minat mcm ni.

Also, in this year, I met lots of awesome peoples. Especially since I become a JUMP fan, which is during my very darkest hour simply because being a leader brings more stress. And that was in between July and August 2010. I become a permanent JUMP fangirl and yes, being a JUMP fangirl is quite…I don’t know how to explain. All my life as a fangirl, this is my first time being motivated to do any work by just watching their shows and MVs, listening to their songs and so on. In short, since I become a JUMP fangirl…I feel..alive and motivated. Well, of course I’m being ignorant, but being ignorant lessens my stress over lots of things. Or people surrounding me.  Still I’m a writer but I found another person who shares the same ‘writer aura’ with me. Maybe you guys feel offended when reading my fanfiction on LiveJournal recently (boyxboy love blablabla) but…to be truth I see this as a part of member ai and fanservice in between ANY music band members.

Jadi, to close 2010, I would like to express millions of THANK YOU to my parents, my relatives, my RL friends, my FB friends, my LJ friends, my Twitter,Tumblr and Blogspot followers, my lecturers and everyone that I’d met throughout the year 2010. A simple THANK YOU is not enough for what you had done to me and my life. Until then, from me, ZRC, I would like to wish all of you, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. May the year 2011 cherish you guys and brings lots of sweet memories to all of you. May the year 2011 bring more willpower for all of us to go through our life.

And yes, I'm really2 GRATEFUL and THANKFUL 2 all of the people surrounding me. So please accept my present for the last in 2010 (and spot the 'Thank You's' in this song in different language in this song). Yes, ladies, this is Hey Say JUMP's song, their new single to close the 2010...

p/s: yup, me always biased over HSJ n forever being bias over them. bear with it, LOL~ Sorry, this post is quite long. And I may not put any image in this, yeah.

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