bienvenue sur mon blog~

So as the title said, I, the sort-of-certified-JE-fan-specialized-on-hey-say-jump-b.i-shadow-and-nyc-50%-fangirl and 50% soon-to-be teacher (with addition of 0.01% daughter and big sis) is welcoming u 2 read my rants on RL, on fangirling and random stuff.

Enjoy ur stay here...

Monday, June 13, 2011

my reaction after watching the final.....

show it 2 every1...takasugi-kun~~

ppl said, pictures explain I gv u the pic (a GIF jsyk) 2 represent my reaction after done watching the very last concert of the very last season of Akademi Fantasia...

seriously, why am I x surprised.

ah, whatever~


  1. i can totally relate!! This year AF was boring..kdk xda duit jak Astro.. :P

    I was only excited during Hafiz & Nera performance..huhuhu~

  2. kan....adoi~~ ending yg x bgus 4 AF. spose 2 b, mun dh season t'akhir ya, bglaa all-out,gempak2 sket ka.. tk mcm...x pat mk mdh apa gyk dh, that GIF explains all~~

  3. LOVE the gif tho! hahaha! XD
    bena ya..they shud've end it with a bang!
    gosh..twas so frustrating!
