bienvenue sur mon blog~

So as the title said, I, the sort-of-certified-JE-fan-specialized-on-hey-say-jump-b.i-shadow-and-nyc-50%-fangirl and 50% soon-to-be teacher (with addition of 0.01% daughter and big sis) is welcoming u 2 read my rants on RL, on fangirling and random stuff.

Enjoy ur stay here...

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

practically everyone knows that red means sexy ...

... and when it comes to the 'everyone's-already-turning-20-years-old' Hey! Say! JUMP ...

I have no words. This is the first time I felt speechless over a JUMP PV. Honestly speaking, I am really not a fan of this song and it will still be like that. However, I am liking the PV to the max. LOL! Kajiura Yuki must be proud.

Kajiura Yuki, fyi, is nothing related to anything from JUMP or 'AinoArika'. He's one of the best anime song composers in Japan. Most of the time he performed in a hall, in which the place is being used for this PV shooting. 

Now, please perform at Sydney Opera Hall or Petronas Philharmonic Hall, for real!

'AinoArika' is JUMP's 12th single and it was set to be the main theme for TBS Tuesday midnight drama, "Dark System ~The Battle of Love~" starring Yaotome Hikaru and Inoo Kei.

The single will release on 5th February, so save your angpows! Watch the short version PV here before someone take it down!

p/s: like usual, OkaJima being so sneaky.  I don't even know where they are. But for now, let the picture speak.

Yamada: Yes, I'm gorgeous. Your arguments are invalid. *smug face*

(c) to the picture, GIF and video link's owner. *staring at Yamada's GIF*

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