bienvenue sur mon blog~

So as the title said, I, the sort-of-certified-JE-fan-specialized-on-hey-say-jump-b.i-shadow-and-nyc-50%-fangirl and 50% soon-to-be teacher (with addition of 0.01% daughter and big sis) is welcoming u 2 read my rants on RL, on fangirling and random stuff.

Enjoy ur stay here...

Sunday, October 20, 2013

No fox were killed in the making of this post.

Starting 8th October 2013, a brand new drama starring Nishikido Ryo (Kanjani 8) and Chinen Yuri (Hey! Say! JUMP / NYC) aired its first episode. The title? 'Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyoya e Yokoso'. 

Long title, I know. It took me a week to seriously consider remembering it. 

Ok, if you wonder, this drama is based on a novel with the same title. It's about an ex-host who opened a fortune teller shop although he had no experience and knowledge in fortune telling and just based on his experience on flirting to solve problems. He was assisted by a middle school student who also have his own special ability, that is possessing a fox spirit and abilities

Now that I had told you the synopsis, you can guess who's who. And look at this blog post's title. Really. No fox were killed or harmed in the making of this post. Unless if making a kid sniffing his own slippers counts as killing.

Sorry for that.

Anyways, I had watched the pilot episode of this drama. Truth be told, this is my second drama of Ryo's and I admit, I am not fond of him. He sucks in Orthoros no Inu, no offence. However in this drama, I can say that he is enjoying himself bullying Chinen so much. Or let me rephrase. His character, Abeno Shomei really enjoying himself bullying Shunta (Chinen's character). To me that is the real Nishikido Ryo.

And Chinen. What can I say about this guy? This is his first drama after he won an award in recent TV Navi Drama of the Year Award. Shunta is a hot tempered teen (as expected from post puberty teen) and possesses a fox spirit. He has sharp eyes, sharp senses, sharp hearing, and ... foxy. He is a bish. Male version. Really. In that drama only.

I'm impressed by the fact that this is his first drama after winning 'Best Rookie Actor Award'. It needs two dramas of him to show his different facial expressions in this drama. At some point he looks like he was possessed with 'Ihara Hayato the rebel teen' spirit and some other time he all go sweet and charming just like Narahashi Souhei.

True, he had acted in few dramas back before 2012 but those few dramas back, he wasn't even able to do much facial expressions until to the point that I said that he has a stiff acting skills. Now he proved that he deserved that award and it impressed me. Foxy enough.

I am going to watch this drama till the end. It's hard (again) to find the links to the drama as some online drama sites did not have this drama in their list, just like Pin to Kona and Kamen Teacher. Maybe because it was aired on Tuesday, 10 pm on Fuji TV? Well, IDK.

It's just weird to think that Chinen still got himself a student role when he'll be going 20 next month. It's just, weird.

I'm not your mom. *rolls eyes*

Catch 'Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyoya e Yokoso', Tuesdays, 10 PM JPN time, only on Fuji TV. (c) to the GIF  and picture owner.

p/s: This post is not foxy enough because of lacking GIFs. *shrugs*

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