bienvenue sur mon blog~

So as the title said, I, the sort-of-certified-JE-fan-specialized-on-hey-say-jump-b.i-shadow-and-nyc-50%-fangirl and 50% soon-to-be teacher (with addition of 0.01% daughter and big sis) is welcoming u 2 read my rants on RL, on fangirling and random stuff.

Enjoy ur stay here...

Saturday, January 31, 2015

are you sure you cast a right person?

Before I began ranting, let me remind you again and again (tho I think my loyal readers of this blog may had it known already) that I am a Tobikko and to be specific if I had to pick who's my favourite member, I can't pick one. Instead, I have two favourite members and they are Yamada Ryosuke and Chinen Yuri.

smile all you can because after this angst coming up. *smirks*

And ... I am still new to 'Ansatsu Kyoshitsu' slash 'Assassination Classroom' fandom. Be it manga, anime series, OVA or even the upcoming live action movie. 

When the cast list for 'Ansatsu Kyoshitsu' live action movie was announced in August 2014, I am having mixed feelings as a Tobikko. Seeing more and more members joining Chinen in the Cinema Club (when you are reading this, Nakajima Yuto is currently filming his debut movie 'Pink and Gray' that slated to premiere in cinemas next year) made me happy because finally! JUMP is going to cinemas!

But I came across this comment in one of the articles in AramaJapan and trust me, I cannot help but to agree. 

BUT! Bear in mind that at that time I had NO IDEA about Ansatsu fandom. Okay.

So I browsed, try reading the said manga online and while reading, I imagined it with the already announced cast for the live action movie. Also try imagining how was it like for Chinen Yuri to be Shiota Nagisa. 

I had been Tobikko since 2009 and knowing that any JUMP member taking challenging roles in dramas, movies, drama SPs, heck even stage play is actually spelling 'fresh start for adult!JUMP'. Yes, who does not like your bias taking roles that he never done before, huh? That is called versatility, right. When you talking about JUMP members do dramas and drama SPs, of course you are imagining them taking 'student' roles, ALL THE TIME! Boring~ less challenging at all! 

Even Hikaru's role in IDN and Chinen's role in 'Sprout' also considered bleh~ to me. 

Speaking about Chinen, he had done 'bad boy' role ever since he guest starred in 'Yukan Club'. But it was 'Saikou no Jinsei no Owarikata ~ Ending Planner~'s Ihara Hayato that bring new definition of 'bad boy role' to Chinen and trust me, he is killing the role so asdfghjkl~. I say that was a turning point of his acting. While Yamada is still being a student (and detective, I must add) until recently ended 'Kindaichi Neo'. He had not reached his turning point of his acting yet, but on 21st March 2015, it will be a turning point for his acting resume. 

Now back to the pics I attached. I read the manga and this is my rant. 

Yes sir, I totally agree that it somehow wrong to cast Yamada Ryosuke as Shiota Nagisa for that movie, considering this is his first time in movies plus he is the lead in the said movie. Chinen should be doing Nagisa, considering he too suits the role of the 'girly but got undesirable bloodlust' character. 'Girly-look' is Yamada and Chinen's middle name anyway. *shrugs* XDDD

just to emphasize, Yamada came up first and Chinen came up fourth in 'Goo's Most Beautiful Johnny's talent under 25' 

Considering the experiences, Chinen has more experiences in movies than Yamada. 

BUT! I also agree that they are casting Yamada for that role. Okay. No offence to those who wanted him to be Nagisa. He himself look like come out from the manga anyway. 

The thing is when it comes to eye candy and rating, Yamada has that 'talent' to attract the viewers to watch the movie. Chinen do have the same 'talent' okay, they are being hated once by fans because being too overrated during NYC era imho. And I simply don't agree with this comment down there, saying Chinen cannot act. HELL THAT GUY CAN ACT LIKE HOW COME HE IS THE FIRST ONE TO BE IN SILVER SCREEN THAN YAMADA? Tell me. Hm. *side-eyeing*

Alright, maybe he had been stiff and bland in some of his early dramas but he is doing better as the drama projects coming up, My favourite role of him aside in 'Ending Planner' was of course, in 'Hissatsu Shigotonin 2014'. Hands down! But please I beg you, do not.ever.compared.him.with.Yamada. That was the worst thing in JUMPsville you can do, ok. 

If you are being in the JUMP fandom long enough, you do know how much Yamada wanted to defeat Chinen in so many ways.  

The conclusion is, both of them suit the role of Shiota Nagisa. Just the production team had so many reasons why they pick Yamada Ryosuke than Chinen Yuri. Only they knew why they decided to cast Yamada to be Nagisa. They are professionals. Who are we to blame? Are you going to defy the professionals? They knew what are they doing. Let them be.

I am sure in 2015, Chinen will got himself another challenging role that sure shut you haters' mouth up from judging his acting skills. Peace. 

End of my rant. 

The video attached, I give credit to TokyoPop's official Youtube channel. 

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